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Pizza Jokes 🍕 in 2025

I burnt my Hawaiian pizza today
-Should’ve used aloha temperature

Why don’t we hear many jokes about pizza?
-They’re too cheesy.

What type of person doesn’t love pizza?
-A weirdough.

What did the retired priest call his pizza shop?
-Cheesus Crust

It takes more effort to order a pizza than have a child
-Have you ever ordered a pizza by accident?

What’s the difference between a pizza and my pizza jokes?
-My pizza jokes can’t be topped!

What do a T-Rex, a thot, and my pizza have in common?
-They’re all meat lovers

My pizza is burnt, my beer is frozen and my girlfriend is pregnant…
-…I can’t pull anything out in time!

What did the parmesan say when it broke up with the mozzarella?
-Sorry but I am too mature for you.

[Dumb] What do you call someone who cuts pizza with a machete?
-Chasin Fourcheese

Why did the math book look so sad?
– Because of all of its problems!

What did the pizza say when it asked the topping out on a date?
-I never sausage a beautiful face.

Why do restaurants put pizza in square boxes?
-Because they don’t cut corners.

A blonde ordered a pizza and the clerk asked if he should cut it in six or twelve pieces.
-“Six, please. I could never eat twelve pieces.”

How do you fix a broken pizza?
-With tomato paste.

I am a little ambivalent about pizza.
-On the upside, it has some great toppings.

On the downside, it doesn’t.

Why did the topping leave the pizza dough?
-Because it was too kneady!

How can you tell if a customer is a Buddhist?
-They ask you to make them one with everything.

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