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Pineapple jokes 🍍 in 2025

Why was the shark eating pineapples?
– Because it makes seamen taste better.

Gotta blame it on my juice.

Let’s party like a pineapple.

Why did the pineapple’s phone die? It needed juice.

There are actually two types of apple: pine – apple and bad – apple.

What do you get when you mix a Christmas tree and an iPad?
– A pineapple.

Tropic like it’s hot.

I once…
– I once strained a can of pineapple juice into the sink thinking it was pineapple chunks.

What is a Norwegian Blues favourite fruit?
– A Pine-Apple!

What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree with an iPad?
– A pineapple.

Did you hear about the honeydew and pineapple who tried getting married?
– The court said they *cant-eloupe*

I said to my can of pineapple, “I don’t like you.”
– It was crushed.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
– Bin Laden

Why is there no such thing as a punapple?
– Because the best puns come in pears.
(Original joke made up by me and my friend the other day as we were high and ate pineapple… the asparagus guy inspired me to share)

From my 8 year old…
What do you get when you mix a Christmas tree and an IPad? A pineapple.

Don’t ban me please.

Everyone thinks I’m weird because I’m addicted to ham and pineapple sandwiches.
– But that’s just Hawaii roll.

A pizza shop owner was found dead covered in pepporoni, mushrooms, ham and pineapple.
Word is…he topped himself.

Silly pineapple, crowns are for princesses.

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