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Pineapple jokes 🍍 in 2025

I need a pineapple in my life.

Tough on the outside. Sweet on the inside.

What do you call royal pineapple?
– Your pine-ness.

What do you call a computer covered in fruit chunks?
– A pineApple Mac.

Pineapples because apples aren’t spiky enough.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
– No one, they don’t grow underwater and don’t act as houses.

Why did Betty fall off the swing?
– Because Betty was a Pineapple

Having pineapple on a pizza is quite like going down on a cousin: It might taste good, but something is not right.

A person was hit by a bus after he claimed pineapple goes with pizza.
– Also, I lost my bus license today.

What do you call a pineapple snake?
– Ananas-conda

Keep calm and eat a pineapple.

Why should you live a pineapple life? Because Life is sweet.

One of the most courageous souls in the world is anybody who looks at a pineapple and thinks that “I bet I would eat it.”

What do you call a pineapple that plays the trumpet?
– Tooty fruity.

My friend said “onions are the only food that can make you cry.”
– So INSTEAD of throwing a coconut at his head, I fed him Pineapple Pizza

A blue man gives you a pineapple. A man with a horse for a head gives you a blender. A man with seven feet on each leg gives you a dragonfruit. What do you have?
– Schizophrenia.

How does a pineapple answer the phone?
– “Yel-low?”

You know what they say about non sequiturs…
– I LOVE pineapple upside down cake!

(I just made this up today, and I’m so proud. I told my coworkers, but they told me to stop doing drugs.)

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