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Pig Jokes 🐷 in 2025

What does a pig do when it gets a rash?
-Applies oinkment

What happens when you play Tug-of-War with a pig?
– Pulled-Pork!

How do pigs talk to each other?
– Swine language.

What did the pig say at the beach on a hot summer’s day?
-I’m bacon!

Why do pigs make awful football players?

-They don’t like playing with the “pig skin.”

Why did it take the pig hours to cross the road?
-Because he was a slow-pork!

What do you call a pig who just lost at a game of tug-of-war?
-Pulled pork

“You know, I decided to go and live with a pig.”
– “Are you crazy??? And how will you do with the stench? ”

“Ehhhh …. he will get used to it! “

What did the pig exclaim when the wolf grabbed its tail?
-That’s the end of me!”

The guy who sold me these pigs said I should bathe them every day.

Today I saw the wurst thing happen to a pig
– I wish I never sausage a thing

What do you get when you cross a frog and a pig?
-A lifetime ban from the Muppet Show studio.

What do you call an angry pig?

Two pigs are sitting in the sun
– One says: “I’m getting pretty hot!”
The other says: “Yeah I’m bacon!”

Why are pigs awful basketball players?
-They hog the ball.

Have you heard that Texas froze over?
-Now we’ve just got to wait for the flying pigs.

How to pigs greet their family and friends?
-With hogs and kisses.

Did you hear about the pig who lost an eye?
-He used to blink with both eyes. Now he oinks with one.

(My 3 year old son came up with it)

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