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Pickleball jokes 🏓 in 2024

Why did the pickleball player bring a ladder to the court? To reach those high pickle shots.

Why did the pickleball player bring a camera to the court? To capture those pickleball moments.

Why did the pickleball player bring a bag of oranges to the court? To stay hydrated during a pickleball game.

What do you call a pickleball player with no friends? A lonely spear.

What do you call a pickleball player who’s always changing their mind? A fickle pickle.

Why did the pickleball player bring a compass to the court? To make sure they were always headed in the right direction.

Why did the pickleball player bring a camera to the court? To capture their pickleball skills on film.

What do you call a pickleball player who’s always cold? A chilly dill.

What do you call a pickleball player who’s always absent-minded? A forgetful pickle.

What do you call a pickleball player who’s always focused? A determined pickle.

Why did the pickleball player bring a flashlight to the court? To shine a light on those close calls.

Why did the pickleball player bring a map of the stars to the court? To understand their pickleball destiny.

What do you call a pickleball player who’s always sneaky? A sly pickle.

What do you call a pickleball player who’s always busy? A busy pickle.

Why did the pickleball player have a bad day? Because they were in a pickle.

Why did the pickleball player bring a notebook to the court? To take pickleball notes.

Why did the pickleball player bring a bag of trail mix to the court? To fuel up for a pickleball game.

What do you call a pickleball player who’s always winning? A sweet gherkin.

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