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Pickle Jokes 🥒 in 2025

What is the difference between your psychiatrist and a pickle?
– Well, if you don’t know, then you need to stop having conversations with your pickle.

What did the pickle do when it won the championship?
– He just stood there to relish the moment.

What do you call a pickle that got run over on the road?
– Road dill.

Where can one find a liberty dill?
– In Phila-dill-phia.

How would a pickle enjoy a ‘pickles day out’?
– They will relish it.

What do you call a pickle you got on a budget?
– A sweet dill.

Why are pickles in sandwiches always so polite?
– They’re well-bread.

I just came back from the state fair where I saw the world’s smallest pickle.
– It was no big dill.

Why didn’t the cucumber want to be a pickle?
– Because it was a sour pickle.

I always get pickle and chutney mixed up.
– It makes me chuckle.

What do you call a pickle doctor?
– A dill pusher.

What did the arrogant pickle say?
– I’m kind of a big dill.

What’s green and sour and swims in an aquarium?
– A tro-pickle fish.

Who’s a pickle’s favorite artist?
– Salvador Dilli.

What is green, sweet, and has two wheels?
– A sweet motorpickle.

What do you say to a pickle in the morning?
– “Rise and brine!”
– Two pickles fell out of a jar onto the floor.

Why would cats be afraid of cucumber at the pickle factory?
– Because they are cooler than cats.

How does a cucumber become a pickle?
– It goes through a jarring experience.

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