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Piano jokes 🎹 in 2025

The choir was on the lookout for a great tenor. So they made sure to visit the ATM when they had their next break.

Why did the girl sit on the ladder to sing?
– She wanted to reach the high notes!

What do you call a goat that plays the piano?
– Billy Joel.

Pianos are difficult to break into because they have a lot of keys.

Any musician who can fix his own piano deserves a gold pedal.

Where do pianists go on vacation?
– The Florida Keys.

Don’t date a piano technician, he’ll just string you along

What do you call a laughing piano?
– Yama-hahaha.

The middle school string quartet can’t enter the adult bar convention because they don’t serve minors.

Why was the piano player arrested?
– Because he got into treble.

Why is crossing the street like playing the piano?

– You need to C# or else you will Bb. (You need to see sharp or else you will be flat – for you amateurs…)

The only way to climb a high piano is to scale it.

My husband and I are both in the city’s biggest choir.
– That’s why we held our wedding at the alto.

What is the musical part of a snake?
– The scales!

What do you call a snowman that plays the piano?
– Melton John

A student once said, ‘Sir, I need to go to my music lesson now.’ The teacher replied, ‘Do you have a note?’ Confused, the student says ‘no…?’ ‘Ding!’ replies the teacher as he plays a note on the piano.

– Told you they were annoying.

The piano player was really upset that he couldn’t play at the jazz club anymore.
– Nevertheless, he took everything in his strides.

What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?
– You can’t tuna fish.

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