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Piano jokes 🎹 in 2024

What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft?
– A flat minor.

“To play a wrong note is insignificant; toplay without passion is inexcusable.”

A vampire was famous for torturing his victims with horrendous piano recitals.
– His Bach was known to be more dangerous than his bite.

The conductor had a lot of fun at the piano recital. The piano player gave him an extremely energetic performance and brightened his day.

How do you make a million dollars playing the piano?
– Start with two million.

Why are pianists fingers like lightning?
– They rarely strike the same place twice.

The piano thief was caught very easily. He made the mistake of hiding a baroquen instrument in his house.

A man who had to buy a new saucepan told his wife, “Bye honey! I’m going to shop for a Chopin!”.

Why are pianists’ fingers like lightning?
– They rarely strike the same place twice.

To climb to the top of a tall piano, you must scale it.

A note left for a pianist from his wife: “Gone Chopin, (have Liszt), Bach in a Minuet.”

– These jokes are so bad I can’t Handel them.

If you accidentally drop a piano in a military base camp, you might get a flat major.

What do you get when you drop a piano on an army base?
– A flat major.

Why did Beethoven kill his chicken?

– They were always shouting “Bach! Bach! Bach!”

The piano player left his wife a message on the fridge door before he went for a walk.
– The message said, “I’ll be bach in a minute”.

The pony wasn’t able to sing at choir practice because his voice was a little hoarse.

What part of the turkey is musical?
– The drumstick!

The audience at a piano recital was appalled when a telephone rang just off stage.
– Without missing a note, the soloist glanced toward the wings and called, “If that’s my agent, tell him I’m working!”

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