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Pi Day jokes in 2025

When pi was making illogical arguments in the debate with fellow numbers, what did the other say?
– They said, “Poor pi! He can’t help himself from being irrational!”

What did pi say in a spat with its spouse?
– You’re being irrational.

Why did pi get its driver’s license revoked?
– Because it didn’t know when to stop.

Three statisticians go out hunting together…
…After a while they spot a solitary rabbit. The first statistician takes aim and overshoots. The second aims and undershoots. The third shouts out, “We got him!”

Seriously people need to stop with the pi day jokes.
– I’ve heard them all like 3.14 million times already

After years and years of rumors, the Pi finally announced that it was going to write a book about its own life. This was going to its auto-pi-ography!

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