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Pi Day jokes in 2025

Why couldn’t the angle get a loan?
– Because his parents wouldn’t cosine.

3.14% of sailors are pi-rates.

Old mathematicians never die…
…They just lose some of their functions.

Couldn’t find any round pies for Pi Day!
– My baker insists pie are squared

I, once, went with a friend to buy some pie for Halloween. As I asked what the volume of the pumpkin pie was, my mathematician friend interjected by saying pi-r square! The baker looked shocked and said that pies aren’t squares, they are round!

What do you get when you cross a bovine and divide its circumference by its diameter?

– A cow pi.

When pi fell sick after getting food poisoning on Pi Day, what medicine did the doctor prescribe?
– Anti-pi-otics.

Want to see all the decimal digits of Pi?
– They are {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, and there are no others!

What is the favorite day of the year for a pi?
– The favorite day of the pi every year is the same- it is March 14!

How many bakers does it take to bake a pi?
– 3.14.

What famous private investigator solves math problem?

– Magnum PI.

Why do teenagers travel in groups of three?
– Because they can’t even.

If you think that you answer is correct then you are mistaken
– because you have rounded the pi at the third place.

The chef took a green cheese and interestingly tried to divide its circumference by its diameter. Now, he has a special type of moon pi!

What’s the math teacher’s favorite dessert?
– Pi.

What do mathematicians eat for dinner on March 14th?
– Chicken pot pi.

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius Strip?
– To get to the same side.

What happens when a cheese pie has the thickness of a and the radius of z?
– It very simply becomes a pi.z.z.a!

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