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Pi Day jokes in 2025

What do you get when a bunch of sheep stand around in a circle?
– Shepherd’s pi.

A math teacher saw the movie American Pie. She gave it 3.14 stars.

A farmer counted 196 cows in the field…
…But when he rounded them up, he had 200.

I welcome you to the nerd side because we have pi…. Happy Pi Day.

A mathematician once walked into a restaurant. The waitress went over to his table and asked him what he wanted. He replied, “1.57”! The waitress was very confused but it turns out that he wanted to have half of a pi!

What did one math book say to the other?
– Leave me alone — I’ve got my own problems!

What happens when you eat less pi and focus on diet and exercise?

Why do mathematicians like parks?
– Because of all the natural logs.

What is that one movie that a pi likes to watch at any day anytime?
– He loves to watch the award-winning movie ‘Life of Pi’!

Why is pi so lucky in love?
– Because its love is infinite and non-repeating.

What do you get when a bunch of sheep stand in a circle?

– Shepard’s pi.

What do you get if you eat 3.14 pies?
– Fat. You get fat.

What will you get when you take the sun and then divide its circumference by using its diameter….. The answer is that you will get Pi up in the sky.

The fattest knight at King Arthur’s round table was…
– Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi

What is a mathematician’s favorite snake?
– A pi-thon.

Come to the nerd side. We have pi.

Did you hear about the statistician who drowned crossing a river?
– It was three feet deep on average.

Who was the most round medieval knight at the High Table of King Arthur?
– The knight was Sir Cumference because he had eaten too much of pi!

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