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Pi Day jokes in 2025

Why did pi have its driver’s license revoked?

– Because it didn’t know when to stop.

What do you call a young student who loves math and wants to know more about the number pi?
– An as-pi-ring mathematician!

Have you ever heart of Eskimo Pi…. Well that is the pi in Alaska which is only 3.00 when it gets super cold as everything tends to shrink when it is very cold.

5 Jokes About Pi
1. Divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter and what do you get?
Pumpkin Pi

2. I saw a movie and gave it a 3.1415 out of 5.
It was Life of Pi

3. My friend decided to get a tattoo of the symbol pi on his face.
It was an irrational decision

4. Who was the roundest knight at King Arthur’s table?
Sir Cumference . but how did he get that way?
eating too much Pi.

5. I hate all these Pi jokes.
They go on forever.

With that last one I’ll show myself the door.

What do you get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?
– Pi in the sky.

What do you call a mathematician who becomes a private investigator?
– Magnum pi.

What do you call a number that can’t keep still?
– A roamin’ numeral.

Why should someone never pick a fight with pi?
– This is because, as we all know, once pi starts to hit you, it will never stop hitting you!

My mother was making pumpkin pie as a way to celebrate Pi day! I strictly told her each and every member of the house should get no more than 3.14 slices!

Why didn’t the quarter roll down the hill with his buddy the dime?
– Because it had more cents.

What is the ideal number of pieces to cut a pie into?
– 3.14.

I used to wonder if it is Pi Day or Pie Day, not because I m a foodie but because Math is sometimes scary…. Happy Pi Day!!!

I tried to memorize 100 digits of pi today
– But why would I worry about pi on my cake day?

What did pi say when someone asked if it could explain what Pi Day was again?
– “I don’t want to repeat myself.”

Why isn’t pi on Twitter?

– Because even 280 characters isn’t enough to express itself.

What’s a nerd’s favorite dessert?
– Raspberry pie.

It’s only a matter of time before the Pi-variant of the Coronavirus is discovered now.
– We’ll have come full circle then.

When pi was making illogical arguments in the debate with fellow numbers, what did the other say?
– They said, “Poor pi! He can’t help himself from being irrational!”

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