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Pi Day jokes in 2025

If you think that you answer is correct then you are mistaken
– because you have rounded the pi at the third place.

The chef took a green cheese and interestingly tried to divide its circumference by its diameter. Now, he has a special type of moon pi!

What’s the math teacher’s favorite dessert?
– Pi.

What do mathematicians eat for dinner on March 14th?
– Chicken pot pi.

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius Strip?
– To get to the same side.

What happens when a cheese pie has the thickness of a and the radius of z?
– It very simply becomes a pi.z.z.a!

e, pi and i might be different
– But e, with the power of pi and i is absolutely 1! #mathcanbefunny

Why should you never start talking to pi at a party?
– Because it just goes on forever.

The roundest knight at Sir Arthur’s table was Sir Cumference. He ate too much pi.

What would you call a secret agent who is very good at math?
– A s-pi!

For a mathematician, Pi are squared but for a baker, pies are always round, though cakes can be square….. Happy Pi Day.

The sin of Gluttony
– Eating too much cake is the sin of gluttony. However, eating too much pie is okay because the sin of pi is always zero.

Why shouldn’t you eat too much pi?
– You’ll end up with a big circumference.

What’s the best way to serve pi?

– A la mode. Anything else is just mean.

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
– He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

If I rated my love for you from 1-10 it’d be pi
– Because it is both infinite, and not that much.

There was a murder in the maths department. When the police and the other detectives couldn’t solve this murder, they brought in a special investigator. His name was MAGNUM P.I.!

What did the triangle feel sorry for the circle?
– Because it’s pointless.

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