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Physics Jokes 🌀 in 2025

What’s the only thing weirder than physics
-A physicist

A Higgs Boson walks into a Church. The priest says, “We don’t allow Higgs Bosons in here.
-The particle responds by saying: “But without me, how can you have Mass?

Why is it best to teach physics on the edge of a cliff?
– Because that’s where students have the most potential.

Am i gravity?
– Bc im letting everyone down.

What did the duck say to the physicist?
-Quark, quark, quark!

Gravity is the most important topic of physics.
– If you remove it, you only have gravy.

What’s the matter?
– Solid, liquid, gas

What a physicist hears when he watches “Star Wars”:
-May the mass times acceleration be with you!

As I was leaving physics class, a classmate walked up to me and called me a nerd.
– What an acceleration’.

What did Donald Duck say in his graduate physics class?
-Quark, quark, quark!

Why did Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli work in very small garages?
– Because they were quantum mechanics.

What does a mathematician do about constipation?
-He works it out with a pencil.

I keep asking my physics teacher “what is the unit for power?”
-But he just keeps responding with “yes.”

What did one uranium-238 nucleus say to the other?
– Gotta split!

Physics Joke
– A bunch of neutrinos walk through a bar

Einstein developed a theory about space.
– It was about time too.

A man was recently cooled to absolute zero-
– but he’s 0K now.

I will name my son Physics.
– So that I will be called Father of Physics

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