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Periodic table jokes 🧪⚗️🧑‍🔬☣ in 2025

When someone I don’t like asks me to hang out I tell them sodium hydrogen. (NaH)

What is the chemical formula for “banana”?
– BaNa2.

Chuck Norris joke cause it’s been a long time.
– Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

When periodic table puns get Boron, you should start reading element jokes instead!

I think that angry flask completely overreacted.

Why do protons have mass?
– Because they are Catholic.

Why do chemists enjoy working with ammonia?
– Because it’s pretty basic stuff.

What do you call it when a Volcano is on it’s period?
– Pyroclastic flow

Did you hear that Oxygen and Magnesium hooked up last night?
– OMg!

I was looking for sodium on the periodic table, but then it told me it was not available! (Na)

The neutron says “Are you sure?”
– The proton replies “I’m positive.”

Eminem is that guy in chemistry class that raps the whole periodic table.
– But skips Oxygen.

When everyone called Hydrogen a loner, Helium laughed out loud, “HeHeHe”.

What happened to the chemist in the cave?
– Berkelium (bear kill him)

Did you hear Oxygen and Potassium went on a date?
– Yeah, it went OK. (O is the symbol for oxygen, K is the symbol for potassium.)

What is the most important rule in chemistry?
– Never lick the spoon!

What element in the Periodic Table of Elements can you not take seriously?
– Silly-con!

To break a wild horse, get a proper lasso and then Europium.

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