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Penguin Jokes 🐧 in 2025

What do penguins wear to the beach?
-A beak-ini.

.Where does a 500 pound penguin sit when he’s resting?
– Anywhere he wants!

Friends are a lot like penguins
– If you stab them, they die

Where do penguins go to the movies?
-(At the dive-in!)

Where do penguins go to watch movies?
– At the dive-in.

How do penguins drink their whisky?
-On the rocks

A penguin runs into a bar…
-Breathless with panic he catches the barman’s attention and says- “ excuse me sir but my brother has went missing, have you seen him?” To which the barman replies “what does he look like?”

Where did Noah put the penguins on the ark?
-In the arctic section.

Why are penguins so good at using the internet?
-Because they have web feet!

How do Penguins finish a race?
-They Pengwin.

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