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Penguin Jokes 🐧 in 2025

Who is the head of the Penguin Navy?
– Admiral Byrd.

What is smarter than a talking penguin?
-A spelling bee!

American politics is like a penguin.
-It has both a left wing and a right wing. But are only good for flapping and making noises.

What do penguins sing at a birthday party?
-(Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow!)

Why would a penguin cross the road twice?
-To prove he isn’t a chicken.

What’s a penguin’s favorite salad?
– Iceberg lettuce.

Why don’t you see penguins in Britain?
(Because they’re afraid of Wales!)

What kind of fish do penguins eat at night?
-Star fish.

How do penguins open windows?
-They drink wine

Where do penguins go to dance?
-The snow ball!)

What is a penguin’s favourite family member?
– Aunt Artica!

What do penguins sing on their birthdays?
-Freeze a jolly good fellow.

Why didn’t the penguin jump off of the iceberg?
-He got cold feet.

What do penguins wear on their heads?
-(Ice caps!)

Where do penguins go to dance?
-The Snow Ball.

How does a penguin build a house?
-Igloos it together

What do penguins sing at their birthday parties?
-Freeze a jolly good fellow.

What do penguins wear in the summer?
-Flipper flops.

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