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Pencil jokes 🖊️ in 2024

How do you make a pencil feel intelligent? You give it a “lead” puzzle to solve.

How do you make a pencil cry? You break its “lead.”

How do you make a pencil feel healthy? You give it a “lead” vitamin.

What do you call a pencil that’s always optimistic? A “hopeful” pencil.

How do you make a pencil feel successful? You give it a “lead” trophy.

What do you call a pencil that’s always complaining? A “whiny” pencil.

What do you call a pencil that’s always talking? A “chatty” pencil.

Why did the pencil go to the circus? It wanted to “lead” the parade.

Why did the pencil become a musician? It wanted to “lead” some tunes.

Why did the pencil go to the mountains? It wanted to “lead” the way to the top.

Why did the pencil go to the park? It wanted to “lead” on a bench.

How do you make a pencil feel powerful? You give it a “lead” sword to wield.

How do you make a pencil feel lucky? You give it a “lead” four-leaf clover.

What do you call a pencil that’s always grumpy? A “cranky” pencil.

What did the pencil say to the eraser? “You’re my “write” hand!”

What do you call a pencil that’s always playing pranks? A “trickster” pencil.

What do you call a pencil that’s always sneezing? A “tissue” pencil.

Why did the pencil become a scientist? It wanted to “lead” some experiments.

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