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Pencil jokes 🖊️ in 2024

Why did the pencil go to the store? It needed to buy some “lead” supplies.

How do you make a pencil feel magical? You give it a “lead” wand.

Why did the pencil get a job at the circus? It was good at “lead” balancing acts.

How do you make a pencil feel famous? You give it a “lead” TV show.

What do you call a pencil that’s always jumpy? A “nervous” pencil.

How do you make a pencil feel creative? You give it a “lead” canvas to draw on.

What do you call a pencil that’s always in a hurry? A “speedy” pencil.

What do you call a pencil that’s always tired? A “sleepy” pencil.

Why did the pencil become a lawyer? It wanted to “lead” some legal cases.

How do you make a pencil feel important? You give it a “lead” role in a play.

Why did the pencil go to the desert? It wanted to “lead” the way.

How do you make a pencil feel musical? You give it a “lead” concert to attend.

Why did the pencil become an actor? It wanted to “lead” some drama.

How do you make a pencil feel successful? You give it a “lead” business plan.

How do you make a pencil feel fashionable? You give it a “lead” designer outfit.

What do you call a pencil that’s always happy? A “joyful” pencil.

Why did the pencil go to the gym? It wanted to “lead” a healthier lifestyle.

What do you call a pencil that’s always worried? A “nervous” pencil.

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