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Peanut Butter jokes in 2024

Why did the peanut butter win the boxing match? Because it had a smooth punch!

What’s a peanut butter’s favorite movie? “Spread” it like Beckham!

Why did the peanut butter get promoted? Because it always spreads positivity!

Why did the peanut butter go to the beach? Because it wanted to be a sand-wich!

Why did the peanut butter become a rapper? Because it could spit smooth rhymes!

Why did the peanut butter win the race? It was on a roll!

Why was the peanut butter the star of the baseball team? It had the best “spread”!

What did the toast say to the peanut butter? “You complete me!”

Why did the peanut butter get a job at the post office? It was good at spreading mails!

How do you turn peanut butter into gold? Add jelly and turn it into a PB&J!

How does peanut butter propose? “Will you jelly with me for the rest of your life?”

Why was the peanut butter the star of the basketball team? Because of its smooth moves!

What did the peanut butter say to the grape? “Stop wine-ing and jelly with me!”

What do you call a peanut butter that tells good jokes? A smooth talker!

Why did the peanut butter get an award? Because it’s the spread that always delivers!

Why did the peanut butter start a band? It was good at jam sessions!

What did the peanut butter say to the bread? “I’m nuts about you!”

Why was the peanut butter good at poker? Because it had a poker “spread”!

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