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Pasta Jokes 🍝 in 2025

Did you hear about the Italian man who pasta way?
– Now he’s a pizza history!

Pasta is long and stringy. Rice is short and stubby.
-Orzo you think

What would you get if you crossed pasta with a snake?
-Spaghetti wrapped around a fork!

Went to a party and saw people giving each other bits of ravioli.
-Apparently they were playing pasta

My wife said she was leaving me because of my obsession with pasta.
-Im feeling canneloni right now

I was choking on some alphabet pasta when a lady asked if I needed help.
-She took the words right out of my mouth.

What do Italians say about pasta?
-Every penne counts!

Why wouldn’t the woman eat at the pasta restaurant?
-The food cost a pretty penne!

I stopped eating Italian food,
-now that’s a thing of the pasta!

Did you hear about the travelling pasta salesman?
-His commission was penne’s on the dollar

My flatmates said I wasted my money buying a kilo of pasta..
-..but I say it was worth every penne.

Standing in the supermarket, I wasn’t sure which pasta to buy.
-Then the penne dropped.

A shelf stacker was stacking pasta boxes. In a local supermarket.
-When the shelf suddenly collapsed on him. His manager called the paramedics but by the time they came he had sadly pastaway.

What do you call designer pasta?
-J.C Penne

What did the pasta say to the cheese?
-It’s grate to meet you!

I tried to build a car out of spaghetti, my wife lost her temper and said it would never work and threatened to leave me, anyway, you should have seen her face when I drove pasta. After a while my obsession got the better of me and she walked out..
-They’ll provide you the hops.

How much water should you use when you make pasta?
-About a cup orzo!

If I waited too long to eat my ravioli
– would I be pro-pasta-anting?

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