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Pajama jokes 👖🛌 in 2024

Why did the pajamas go to the gym? They wanted to be workout sleepwear.

What do you call a pajama party with superheroes? A hero’s slumber party.

What do you call a pajama party with pirates? A swashbuckling slumber party.

What’s a pajama’s favorite type of food? Comfort food.

Why did the pajamas go to the flower garden? They wanted to be floral sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to bed early? They were tired.

Why did the pajamas go to the science lab? They wanted to be science sleepwear.

What’s a pajama’s favorite hobby besides sleeping? Lounging.

What do you call a pajama party with bears? A hibernation celebration.

Why did the pajamas go to the library? They wanted to be book sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to the planetarium? They wanted to be stargazing sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to the circus? They wanted to be circus sleepwear.

What do you call a pajama party with mermaids? A deep-sea slumber party.

What do you call pajamas that can sing? Harmonious nightwear.

What’s a pajama’s favorite TV show? The Late Night Show in Pajamas.

Why did the pajamas go to the zoo? They wanted to be animal sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to the dance party? They wanted to be party sleepwear.

What’s a pajama’s favorite dessert? Sleepy-time cookies.

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