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Pajama jokes 👖🛌 in 2025

What’s a pajama’s favorite movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas Pajamas.

What do you call a pajama party with fairies? A fairy tale slumber party.

Why did the pajamas go to the game night? They wanted to be game night sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to the concert? They wanted to be concert sleepwear.

What’s a pajama’s favorite type of weather? Sleepy weather.

What do you call a pajama party with ghosts? A night fright.

Why did the pajamas go to the art gallery? They wanted to be art sleepwear.

What do you call a pajama party with unicorns? A dreamland adventure.

What’s a pajama’s favorite hobby? Dreaming.

What do you call a pajama party with llamas? A llama-rama sleepover.

Why did the pajamas go to the concert? They wanted to be concert sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to the beach? They wanted to catch some zzz’s.

Why did the pajamas go to the wedding? They wanted to be wedding sleepwear.

What do you call a pajama party with monsters? A spooky slumber party.

What’s a pajama’s favorite holiday? Pillow-fight day.

Why did the pajamas go to the zoo? They wanted to be animal sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to the waterfall? They wanted to be nature sleepwear.

Why did the pajamas go to the beach party? They wanted to be beach sleepwear.

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