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Funny jokes in 2025

Never rob a bank if you are a furry.
– The police will be hot in pursuit, you will be hot in fursuit.

Since we’re all in quarantine…
– I guess we’ll be making only inside jokes from now on.

Why is Spongebob the main character…
…when Patrick’s the star?

What did they call the Minecraft player who built a clock in-game to chime at 4:20?
– A Redstoner.

What do you call someone with no body and no nose?
-Nobody knows.

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Leaf.
-Leaf who? Leaf me alone!

Why did the M&M go to college? Because it wanted to be a Smartie!

A scientist working for NASA decided to never get married because she needed her space.

Why shouldn’t you hire a volleyball player to be your bartender?
-The service may be excellent, but he’ll try to spike all the drinks.

What do you get when you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic?
– Half-way

How did Mario feel after getting a kiss from the princess?
– Peachy.

Knock, knock.. Who’s there? A little old lady.
-A little old lady who? Dang! All this time, I had no idea you could yodel.

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Lettuce.
-Lettuce who? Lettuce in, it’s cold out here!

What’s the similarity between stars and my grandmother’s teeth?
– Both come out at night.

(This one’s a bit hard to understand) Ino likes Sasuke and Hinata likes Naruto, Ino and Naruto have blonde hair, Sasuke and Hinata have black/blue hair,
– if you switch the couples around it’s colour coordinated.XD

You should call us butter because we are on a roll
-This would be one of the best volleyball puns to put on a T-shirt.

What do you do when you play a volleyball team of Satanists?
-You beat the Hell out of them.

How do we know that soccer referees are happy?
-Because they whistle while they work.

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