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Funny jokes in 2025

You may think i’m odd for eating ham and pineapple sandwiches..
– But hey..
That’s just Hawaii roll.

“When life gives you lemons, sell them and buy a pineapple.” David Turney

Which football team do horses always cheer for?
-The Broncos.

What did the pinecone say to the pineapple? Nice to meet juice.

What does it mean when you find a horseshoe?
-A horse is walking around bare foot.

Where do horses go when they’re ill?
-the horsepital.

Can I bother you for an aspirin tablet?
– Just looking at you from across the room is giving me heart-related pains.

Why was the computer so angry?
– Because it had a chip on its shoulder

I overheard someone telling Pokémon jokes,
– but I couldn’t catch ’em all.

Knock, knock.. Who’s there? Cows go.
-Cow’s go who? No, silly. Cows go “moo!”

What is Trump’s favourite anime?
– Bleach

According to a new poll, 91 percent of people are satisfied with their lives.
– The other 9 percent own a Chevrolet.

Why did the cookie have to go to the doctor?
-It was feeling crummy.

Roses are red,Violets are violet,
-Here is my number,Why don’t you dial it?

What’s the difference between an artist’s folder and a diseased fortress?
-One’s a portfolio, the other is Fort Polio.

What’s the only thing weirder than physics
-A physicist

What did one decimal say to the number?
Did you get my point?

They just found the gene for shyness.
They would have found it sooner, but it was hiding behind two other genes.

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