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Funny jokes in 2025

What did the Soccer players day when the owl died on the field?

Being quarantined with a talkative child…
-is like having an insane parrot glued to your shoulder

Hey did you sabotage the O2? Because you just took my breath away.

A volleyball coach and a dentist kind of do the same thing.
-They both use drills.

What genre would a Minecraft Movie be?
– A Block-buster

Whom can you always count on?
– Your fingers.

What kind of car does a furry drive?
– A subuwu

“Are You Hashirama?
– Because Everyone Wants A Piece Of You.”

Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up, as long as you believe

Lots of Japanese people put their last names first like Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, in English it’s the first name first (lol,obviously),
– Rock Lee’s last name is Rock—have you ever heard someone say his name as “Lee Rock”?

How do soccer players stay cool during games?
-They stand near the fans.

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tennis.
-Tennis who? Tennis five plus five.

What would you call a Minion that is covered in black stripes?
-A despicable bee.

Maybe the Titanic really was a ship of dreams…
– and its dream was to be a submarine.

“I Would Start A Great Shinobi War For You.”

“Are You Ino?
– Because You’ve Totally Taken Over My Mind.”

Why did the two 4’s skip lunch?
-They already 8!

I’m trying to make a meme on breaking bedrock in Minecraft
-But it’s way to hard

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