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Funny jokes in 2025

What would you call twin rats who feature in a movie about cooking?
– Ratatwins.

What did the little rat say when another rat broke his front teeth?
– “Now it’s hard to cheese.”

Someone stole my mood ring.
– I don’t know how I feel about that.

What is a rat’s favorite movie?
– The Fast and the Furriest.

Why was the young amoeba so sad?
– His parents had just split.

What kind of car does Pikachu drive?
– A volts-wagon

Why is a computer so smart?
– Because it listens to its motherboard.

Q: What do you call Annie after first blood?

– A: A woman.

What time is it when a cow sits on your cowboy hat?
– Time to get a new cowboy hat!

What is very odd?
– Every other number.

When does a joke become a dad joke?
-When it becomes apparent.

I asked my wife if she’d like a new Diamond Ring to celebrate our anniversary.
“Nothing would make me happier!” She replied.
– So I got her nothing.

How do butterflies gather?
– In-sects.

When should softball players wear armor?
– When they play knight games.

“Did you hear the joke about the fast pitch?”…
– ”Forget it. You just missed it.”

What is a snake’s favorite school subject?
– Hisstory.
I came up with that in a dream last night, hope it’s OC.

My psychiatrist said….
– “Tell me, how long have you been having these hallucinations about seeing a psychiatrist?”

What do you get when you cross a mouse and a deer?
– Mickey Moose

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