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Funny jokes in 2025

The Titanic disaster happened 106 years ago today…
– Just let that sink in

What does a gen Z communist say?
– Seize the memes of production!

I once had a threesome with identical twins.
– Guess that makes me a dopplebanger.

Why does Superman tell jokes while he runs?
-He’s an Action Comic.

My mom always told me I wouldn’t accomplish anything by lying in bed all day.
-But look at me now, ma! I’m saving the world!

Why do cats make terrible storytellers?

– They only have one tail.

What are the chances of winning the Mexican lottery?
– Juan in a million.

What will happen when you cross George Washington with a cattle feeder?
– Fodder of our Country.

What do moose say when they get stuck up a tree?
– Elk me!

What’s as big as a moose, as flat as a pancake and weighs nothing?
– The moose’s shadow.

I’m a clown…
-And everyone nose.

Why is the show called SpongeBob…
when Patrick is the star. Hurr-durr. Tee-hee.

When Squidward felt guilty that SpongeBob gave him a Christmas present after he had refused to write a letter to Santa.

I named my printer Bob Marley
– Because it’s always Jammin’

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
-This card was expensive,Take off all your clothes.

Why did the cat wear a dress?
– She was feline fine.

An atom walks into a bar…
and orders a drink. The barman makes the drink and hands it over. The atom just sits there and sighs. “Why so down?” the barman asks. “Iv’e lost an electron.” the atom answers. “Are you sure?” the barman asks. “I’m positive.”

Who delivers presents to cats?
– Santa Claws!

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