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Funny jokes in 2025

(Only for people that watch Bleach or know what it is) Hinata looks a bit like Rukia, doesn’t she?
– But doesn’t quite act like her XD

It’s a hard life, being a furry
– It’s a dog eat dog world out there

Why was the squirrel such a good night nurse?
-He could handle the ER going nuts after midnight.

What do you call Fortnite with cows?
-A cattle royale.

Did you get to know about the nurse who injured his entire left side?
-Don’t worry, he’s all right now.

How is a lesbian like a camel?
– Their hump has no bone.

I drove to Vegas in a $25,000 Chevy and came home in a $250,000 vehicle
– A greyhound bus.

A pregnant woman is talking to her friend
A pregnant woman, who is expecting twins, is talking to her friend. The friend asks her:

“Have you already picked some names you like?”

“Yes. If it’s girls I want to name one Kate.”


“So the other one can be DupliKate.”

“And what if it’s boys?”

“I’ll name one Kent.”

“And what about the other one?”

“He will be a RepliKent.”

Why is it difficult to converse with aliens?
– They do not understand the gravity of certain situations.

How does a cucumber become a pickle?
-It goes through a jarring experience.

My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction.
– So I packed up my stuff and right!

The moon dropped his fork and stopped feasting because it was already full.

Heard on the FAA radio frequency after Trump is dropped off in Florida:
– “Air Force one just took a number two, over”

What’s a deer’s favorite game?
– Buckaroo!

My father works as a statistician at Ford.
-He must be pretty well-respected there, people are always asking for his auto graph.

What did the Toyota say to the Ford on the side of the road?
– Rust-in-peace.

What if life gives us pickles instead of lemons?
– We all just dill with it.

The price of smartphones are getting way too ridiculous
– If I fall and hear something crack, I’m hoping it’s a bone

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