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Funny jokes in 2025

How does an M&M get around town? It rolls!

What do moose say when they get stuck up a tree?
– Elk me!

What’s as big as a moose, as flat as a pancake and weighs nothing?
– The moose’s shadow.

My uncle is a bus driver that circles Big Ben in London …
– he works around the clock.

With imagination, you can be anything you want.
– Spongebob

When I was young there was only 25 letters in the Alphabet?
-Nobody knew why.

My nerdy friend just got a PhD on the history of palindromes.
– We now call him Dr. Awkward.

— HAHAHA! Are you Sirius?
-What’s your super powder? Wait a minion… what the help is happy ninja to me? PLEATS MAKE IT DUCKING STOP!

Why don’t elephants use computers?
– Because they’re afraid of the mouse

Air Force Fact:
-The only time you can have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.

What’s a horrible icebreaker?
The titanic

What has hands but no arms?
-A clock

The Titanic disaster happened 106 years ago today…
– Just let that sink in

What does a gen Z communist say?
– Seize the memes of production!

I once had a threesome with identical twins.
– Guess that makes me a dopplebanger.

Why does Superman tell jokes while he runs?
-He’s an Action Comic.

My mom always told me I wouldn’t accomplish anything by lying in bed all day.
-But look at me now, ma! I’m saving the world!

Why do cats make terrible storytellers?

– They only have one tail.

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