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Funny jokes in 2025

Why doesn’t Voldemort have glasses?
-Nobody nose.

My dad told me a joke about boxing.
-I guess I missed the punch line.

Why did the soccer player bring string to her game?
– So she could tie the score.

What do aliens like to eat when they aren’t on a diet?
– Unidentified frying objects.

Did you hear about the basketball team that doesn’t have a website?
-They can’t string three “Ws” together.

I couldn’t figure out why the basketball kept getting larger and larger.
-Then it hit me.

(Only for people that watch Bleach or know what it is) Hinata looks a bit like Rukia, doesn’t she?
– But doesn’t quite act like her XD

It’s a hard life, being a furry
– It’s a dog eat dog world out there

Why was the squirrel such a good night nurse?
-He could handle the ER going nuts after midnight.

What do you call Fortnite with cows?
-A cattle royale.

Did you get to know about the nurse who injured his entire left side?
-Don’t worry, he’s all right now.

How is a lesbian like a camel?
– Their hump has no bone.

Where do beavers keep their money?
– Well, they keep it in the riverbank.

Knock, knock.. Who’s there? Bed.
-Bed who? Bed you can’t guess who I am!

Obi Wan: “Yoda, why did the Star Wars movies come out 4,5,6,1,2,3
-Yoda: “In charge of scheduling I was”

What is found on the last two pages of every Chevy’s owners manual?
– The bus schedule.

Why can’t Sonic play baseball? He always steals home!

Why did GM put heaters in the tailgates of their new trucks?
– To keep their hands warm when they are pushing the truck into the

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