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Funny jokes in 2025

Roses are red,Here’s something new:
-Violets are violet,Not freaking blue.

When the moon needs to call someone, it uses its last quarter.

Why couldn’t the koala bear get the job at the bank?
– Because he didn’t have the koala-fications.

Asuma’s chain smoker yet we never see him cough,
– Hayate always coughed yet we never saw him smoke.

What’s a turtle’s favorite sandwich?
– Seanut butter and jellyfish.

What do cats and programmers have in common?
-When either one is unusually happy and excited, an appropriate question would be, “did you find a bug?”

Mario failed his online course
– Because of his Internet Bowser

Imagine the Titanic with a Lisp
– It’s unthinkable

How do you knock out a marine while he’s drinking water?
-Slam the toilet lid down on his head.

Why won’t Pluto throw a birthday party?
– It can’t even planet

Whoever put the “b” in SUBTLE
-deserves a pat on the back.

What dessert do they serve in Super Mario Bros?
– Princess Peach Pie

My grandfather kept on warning everyone that the titanic was gonna sink, but no one listened to him.
– Finally, they had enough of him and kicked him out the theater.

Why did the phone walk in the water?
-He was wading for a phone call.

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
-Who is your daddy,And what does he do?

Who can save the world from asteroids?
– Papers because paper beats rocks.

After the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, we should honor truck drivers with a national holiday on October 4th.
– A big 10-4, if you will.

You know, if a cat or dog plays among us, they will wanna be the…

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