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Funny jokes in 2025

Why was the skeleton always left out in a soccer game?
-Because he had no body to play with.

What would Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia be called if it was done by Gen Z’s?
– Vibe Czech

I need to call an emergency meeting!
– … because you just stole my heart.

What’s the difference between Naruto and Bleach?
– No one ever told me to drink Naruto

Who has mind stone
-Minecraft Steve, because he has mined stone

Knock, Knock!

– Who’s knocking?

– Wood.

– Wood who?

– Wood you please like to go out with me?

Why should you argue with decimals?
-Decimals always have a point.

Gen Z should change their name to…
– quaranteens.

Why do the Chinese hate playing the game Fortnite?
-Because of Ninja.

Naruto: Let’s give a hand for the dummy! The puppet was pretty good, too.
– Kankuro: Hey!

What’s Harry Potter’s favorite method of getting down a hill?
– Walking… JK, Rolling.

People be like LGBTQA
Like bruh I didn’t ask for Among Us code

Why was the number 6 afraid of number 7?
-Because 7 “ate” 9!

Why are strawberries natural musicians?
-They love to jam.

How do you get a Pokémon onto a school bus?
– You poke-em-on!

What concert costs just 45 cents?
-50 Cent featuring Nickelback!

The most horrible statement for a volleyball player by his friends could be
-You are blocked now.

What is Yoda’s transport vehicle called?

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