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Funny jokes in 2025

Why was the M&M a great detective? It always left no stone unturned or candy wrapper unruffled!

The cactus who was turning 16, decided to throw a sweet 16 birthday party. Her friend said: “I hope your birthday party planning is on point.”

My friend is a very well-read microbiologist.
– He knows a little about a lot of things and a lot about little things.

Knock, knock.. Who’s there? Hawaii.
-Hawaii who? I’m fine, Hawaii you?

What do you call it when Gen Z brings the good economy back?
– A Boomer-ang.

How do you stop a bull from charging?
-You unplug it!

Mexican jokes are like black jokes…
– Once you heard Juan you heard Jamal.

Why are Huskies and trees similar?
– They both lose their barks after they pass away.

What is the range of a Viola?
– As far as you can kick it.

How do you get a dozen violists to play in tune?
– Shoot all of them.

What do you call a bunch of millionaires sitting around watching the Super Bowl?
– The Dallas Cowboys.

How long should a donkey’s legs be?
– Long enough to reach the ground!

When is Mario’s birthday?
– MAR10.

What do Gungans keep things in? Jar
– Jars.

Why shouldn’t you trust stairs?
-Because they are always up to something.

Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?
– There are too many cheetahs.

What did Yoda use to become a baby again?
-A manDeLorean.

What noise do sheep make where Yoda’s from?

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