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Funny jokes in 2025

How long should a donkey’s legs be?
– Long enough to reach the ground!

When is Mario’s birthday?
– MAR10.

What do Gungans keep things in? Jar
– Jars.

Why shouldn’t you trust stairs?
-Because they are always up to something.

Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?
– There are too many cheetahs.

What did Yoda use to become a baby again?
-A manDeLorean.

What noise do sheep make where Yoda’s from?

What does a Schneider truck and an orange barrel have in common?
– They both have a dirt bag in them.

How does Darth Vader like his toast?
-On the dark side.

What do you do when Tuesday is standing outside your bathroom door?
– You let it sink in.

Why didn’t the hen yell at her friend when she was really angry?
-She was too chicken.

My girlfriend: Oh baby I want you to tease me.
Me: Plays three seconds of the SpongeBob Sweet Victory clip.

My Girlfriend: Oooh you dirty tease!

Why is Yoda such a good gardener?
-He has green fingers.

What is the most depressing thing about tennis?
-You’ll never be as good as a wall.

Why didn’t the lousy soccer team have a website?
-They couldn’t string three W’s together.

Andrew Tate doesn’t need a coat, he just stares at the cold until it becomes warm.

What’s black and white and eats like a horse?
-A zebra.

I was shocked when the registered pharmacist was arrested for prostitution.
– She also knew me very well since I have been a customer for years!

– But I NEVER knew she was a pharmacist!

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