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Funny jokes in 2025

What do you call a Minecraft server run for autistic children?
-A regular Minecraft server.

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity.
– It’s impossible to put down.

If you see an aggressive alien what should you do?
-Give it some space…

98% of all Jeeps ever made are still on the road today.
– The other 2% made it home.

What is the difference between hot potato and a flying pig?
-One’s a heated yam, and one’s a yeeted ham.

Why are there fish at the bottom of the sea?
– Because they dropped out of school.

The anti-vax basketball team lost every game this season.
-Apparently they never take any shots.

Why hasn’t dunkin donuts been successful in Ireland?
-Because it isn’t drunkin donuts.

Why nurses are always so calm?
-Because of patients.

Why couldn’t the astronaut put the helmet on her head?
-Because she didn’t have enough space.

A person was hit by a bus after he claimed pineapple goes with pizza…
– Also, I lost my bus license today.

Why did the Squirtle cross the ocean?
-To get to the other tide!

Butter is not made right away because it has to wait for its churn.

Why’d the little unicorn get sent to bed without supper?
-She wouldn’t stop horsing around at the dinner table

I took a selfie after my kidney removal surgery
– hashtag nofilter

Where does a mermaid keep her money?
– In the riverbank!

What are some punny volleyball names that reference Disney?
-So far I can only think of: Net It Go!

Why did Goofy wear two pairs of pants when he played golf?
-He thought he might get a hole in one.

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