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Funny jokes in 2025

The FBI was following a furry.
– They were on his tail.

Why was the nurse tip-toeing around the medicine cabinet?
-She was scared of waking up the sleeping pills.

Pharmacists find their work to be very encapsulating.

What is Mario’s favorite state?
– Luigiana

(My niece told me this joke last night)

What do ghosts like to eat in the summer?
-I Scream.

You know you have been playing WoW for too long when the microwave dings and you yell “GRATS!”

What does Bowser and the desert level have in common?
– Both have angry suns.

Our favorite bumper sticker:
– “Support bacteria; it is the only culture we have left.”

What was Kakashi’s advice when people asked him about the quickest way to a girl’s heart?
– A Chidori.

What do you do when you’ve finished giving the dog a bath?
– Pull the pug out.

When I’m older and can afford it, I want to commission an artist to make a bust of me
-But that’s getting a head of myself.

What basketball team do Koopas cheer for?
– The Shelltics.

What did one flower say to the other?
– What’s up bud?

What are you doing this Christmas?
– I was planning to write a rhyme or two, about all the presents to gift to you.

Okay Google, what is your quest?
– My quest is to slay the beasts of ignorance and to search for the most fascinating information.

Okay Google, where do you live?
– I live in the cloud. I’d like to also think I live in your heart,
– but I don’t want to make assumptions.

Why did Wi-Fi and the computer get married?
-Because they had a connection

Yoda and Obi-Wan
-Yoda and Obi-Wan are flying through space in their ship.

Obi-Wan asks, “Are you sure we’re going in the right direction?”

Yoda answers, “Off course, we are.”

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