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Funny jokes in 2025

What room doesn’t have doors?
-A mushroom.

Roses are red,Violets are blue,?
– You look like a donkey,And smell like one, too.

Why don’t chefs find coronavirus jokes funny?
-They’re in bad taste.

What do you call a deer that only costs a dollar?
– A buck

What country’s capital is growing the fastest?
– Ireland. Every day it’s Dublin.

98% of all Jeeps ever made are still on the road today.
– The other 2% made it home.

If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, ‘Two seconds till.’
-After you ask, ‘Two seconds to what?’ he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

Naruto’s got the Kyuubi, Kiba has Akamaru, so shouldn’t Naruto be more fox-like/dog-like?
– But in Shikamaru’s rescue team, why was Kiba the only one that could smell blood and enemies?

Why did the bee go to the doctor?
-Because he had hives.

What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
– Being robbed.

Why didn?t the quarter roll down the road with the nickel?
-Because it had more cents.

What is the difference between a Ford and a shopping trolley?
– A shopping trolley is much easier to push.

When does a alpaca go “moo”?
– When it is learning a new language!

Who else is self quarantining alone?
-I am this close to naming my volleyball!

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.

What’s a panda’s biggest life regret?
– It never had a selfie in color.

You make my dopamine levels all silly.

What did the pug say to the garden?
A: Lettuce Eat!

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