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Funny jokes in 2025

What’s the square root of Minecraft?
– There’s three, actually. The potatoes, the carrots, and the beetroots.

Ole, Lena, and Sven were lost in the North woods and were becoming desperate, having run out of food several days ago. It
was winter, the snow was deep, their situation was looking very bleak. When Ole dug down into the snow to look for
something to eat, he found an old lamp and upon rubbing it to get the snow off, a genie came out.
The genie says, “I am the great genie of the North and I can grant each of you one wish.
Ole says, “I vish I vas back on my farm.” Poof, Ole was gone.
Lena quickly says, “I vish I vas back on da farm wit Ole.” Poof, Lena was gone.
Sven was sitting there looking sad and the genie finally says, “What is your wish?”.
Sven says, “Gee, I’m really lonely. I vish Ole and Lena vas back here with me”.

What do you call a furry that likes to be on the bottom in bed?
– A subwoofer

Why are the new GM trucks more aerodynamic?
– So they will save the Fords gas when the Ford tows them away.

Why were the people in the twin towers mad?
– Because they ordered pepperoni, but all they got was plane.

What do you call an alligator with compass?
– A Navi-gator.

My uncle drank a whole bottle of wood varnish
– He had a horrible death but a lovely finish

What does a yellow Pokémon say before teleporting?

What type of bread of Minions like best?
-Gru-ten free.

Anyone know any good Naruto jokes?
– I’ve been trying to find some.

What do you call three Karens walking into a bar?
– The KKK

– I’ll see myself out

What did the Joker say when he was on top of Batman?
-“Joke’s on you, Batman”

Another one for ya….anyone notice that naruto’s a “dumb blonde” xD

Naruto: You’re late.
– Kakashi: Then you’re choco.
– Naruto: What?
– Kakashi: Chocolate. Choco late.
– Naruto: Very funny…

If you’re a furry, and get turned on by chickens
– Are you a Hen-Thigh enthusiast?

Why is playing Fortnite like watching X-Men?
-You know that Storm is coming…

“Are You Temari?
– Because I’m Your Biggest Fan.”

What’s the most popular social media that astronauts use?
– Spacebook…

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