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Funny jokes in 2025

What do I have to do to go from being your crewmate to your soulmate?

What do you call an exploding monkey?
– A baboom.

What kind of meat do you get from Minecraft cows?
– Cornered Beef

Where did the cat go when it lost its tail?
-To the retail store!

Why couldn’t the leopard play hide and seek?
-Because he was always spotted.

Luke Skywalker and Yoda are hopelessly lost on their journey…
-Luke: Yoda, we’ve been walking for hours! Are you sure that we’re going the right way?

Yoda: For the tenth time, told you, I have! Off course, we are!

What kind of vegetable is angry?
-A steamed carrot!

Why don’t matches play softball?…
– One strike and your out!

Why did the kid throw butter out the window?
– To see the butter… fly.

How do we know plants grow on other planets?
– The Venus Flytrap.

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cargo.
-Cargo who? No, car go BEEP BEEP!

What does Princess Peach use to get things off the high shelf?
– A toad stool.

Knock knock. Who is there?
-Seriously, don’t touch my door and get back 6 meters to social distance.

What snack should you make for the Snowman Holiday Party?
-Ice Krispy Treats

What currency do aliens use?
– Starbucks.

I tried and failed to make an underwater breathing machine in Minecraft.
– I just conduit.

Little Johnny: “I’m not going back to school ever again!”
– Mom: “Why not?”
– Little Johnny: “The teacher doesn’t know a thing, all she does is ask questions!”

Knock, knock.. Who’s there? Juno. 
-Juno who?  Juno I love you, right?

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