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Funny jokes in 2025

What is a Fortnite gamer’s favorite Disney character?

If Fortnite ever gets a sequel,
-it should be called February

My phone fell from the 20th floor,
– good thing it was in airplane mode.

Little Ole is troubled and asks his father Ole, “Did God make me or did Evolution make me?”
Ole tells him, “God did. First, Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies grew up and made more babies, and so on.”
Little Ole then goes to his mother Lena and asks her the same question.
Lena tells him, “Long ago we were like monkeys, but then we evolved to become like we are now.”
Little Ole runs back to his father and screams, “You lied to me!”
“No I didn’t”, Ole replied, “No, your mom was talking about her side of da family.”

Why do programmers like dark mode?
– Because light attracts bugs

I named my wood chest “Morning” in Minecraft.
So whenever I need some wood I can say I need some “Morning Wood”.
– (This is an actual thing I have done, it’s not just a cheesy joke)

Why did Naruto stop pursuing Sakura?
– Because it was Useless.

Would you like to connect the wires of your heart to mine?

Okay Google, do you believe in vampires?
– Vampires?!
– Well… Mosquitos are real.

Why was the Walmart cashier good at playing Fortnite?
– Because he was an expert at tagging!

What happens to Minecraft characters when they turn 16?
-They grow cubic hair!

Ole and Sven are sitting on the porch when Sven notices Oles socks. “Ole, did you know that your socks don’t match? You
are wearing one blue sock and one red sock.”
Ole replies, “Yep I know, funny ting is I have anudder pair just like it in my drawer at home.”

I bought a ceiling fan the other day.
– Complete waste of money. He just stands there applauding and says, “Ooh, I love how smooth it is.”

Lena is in labor at the hospital ya know. The doctor tells them that he invented a pill that transfers some of the labor pain to
the father. To Ole’s dismay, Lena takes the pill.
Lena delivers a boy and Ole is happy it didn’t hurt too much.
Soon after they return home with their baby only to discover the mailman dead on their lawn.

Naruto: Exercise? I thought you said extra fries! *laughs*
– Choji: Watch it.

(Oc) Today I met a child playing minecraft, with all the sound effects being a single note from a keyboard
– A minor mining in A minor

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Mikey.
-Mikey who? Mikey doesn’t fit in the key hole!

Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?
-Because they’re so good at it!

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