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Funny jokes in 2025

The perfect tag for a wedding of volleyball players should be?
-love at first spike.

Why did the physicist break up with the biologist?
-There was no chemistry.

There is a fine line between a numerator and a denomintor?
But only a fraction would understand.

Soccer is a strange game.
-It’s a bunch of people running away from their goals.

How can Pikachu make a baby laugh?
– By playing pika-boo!

Knock, Knock!

– Who knocks?

– Boo.

– Boo who?

– Why are you crying all of a sudden? Is everything okay?

Hey, are you in Navigation?
– Because I’d love to navigate my way to your heart.

Knock, knock.Who’s there? Cows go. Cows go who?
-No, cows go MOO!

Why did the Wailmer cross the road?
-To get to the other tide!

What do you call a tick on the moon?
-A luna-tick.

If an athlete gets athlete’s foot,
– do astronauts get missiletoe?

Why can’t dinosaurs clap?
-Because they’re dead.

How do trees get on the Internet?
– They log on!

Which kinds of snakes are found on cars?
-Windshield vipers.

Who directed the movie about Volleyball injuries?
-Spike Lee

What is the fastest way for Minions to get from the first floor to the ground floor?
-By sliding down the banana-ster!

The quarantine has ruined many marriages but mine is still going strong.
-Just the other day I woke up to my beautiful and loving wife holding a pillow tightly over my face to protect me from the coronavirus.

Where do you learn to make a banana split?
-Sundae school.

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