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Funny jokes in 2025

Never buy Drugs from a volleyball player
-They bump the price up
Set the location
And spike there product

What did the fish say when he hit the wall?

What do you get when you put cheese next to some ducks?
-Cheese and quackers.

How can you tell a Pokémon likes baseball?
– Every night he turns into a gol-bat.

Yesterday, a volley player got arrested.
-He was suspicious of foul play.

Why is Saturn so rich?
– Because it has lots of rings!

What did one Geodude say to the other Geodude?
-Let’s rock!

What’s a frog’s favorite type of shoes?
– Open toad sandals

Roses are red, But violets aren’t blue,
-They’re purple, you dope, Now go get a clue.

How do you get Pikachu on a bus?
-Poke him on.

Why are Germans bad at Among Us?
Because they vent here and vent there.

What is Naruto’s favorite football position?
– Kyuu-bi

What do you call Meowth’s reflection?
-A copycat.

What did the Gen Z baker yell when he tossed the dough?

What’s the best smelling insect?
-A deodor-ant.

Boomers: kids these days don’t know what books are.
**Gen Z:** We’re literally using the same textbooks you had. My math book references West Germany.

Why are elevator jokes so classic and good?
-They work on many levels.

What did the judge say when a Skunktank came into the court?
-Odor in the court!

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