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Funny jokes in 2025

Roses are red, But violets aren’t blue,
-They’re purple, you dope, Now go get a clue.

How do you get Pikachu on a bus?
-Poke him on.

Why are Germans bad at Among Us?
Because they vent here and vent there.

What is Naruto’s favorite football position?
– Kyuu-bi

What do you call Meowth’s reflection?
-A copycat.

What did the Gen Z baker yell when he tossed the dough?

What’s the best smelling insect?
-A deodor-ant.

Boomers: kids these days don’t know what books are.
**Gen Z:** We’re literally using the same textbooks you had. My math book references West Germany.

Why are elevator jokes so classic and good?
-They work on many levels.

What did the judge say when a Skunktank came into the court?
-Odor in the court!

What does the cash-strapped avocado say to his wife?
– “We have no money left, we’ve officially hit guac bottom!”

Why kind of bug is in the FBI?
-A SPY-der.

Why don’t dinosaurs talk?
– Because they’re dead.

What is a koala’s favorite soft drink?
– Koka-Koala, of course!

In episode 109, you get a quick glance of Sasuke’s one-room house, it has a bed, a chair and a coffee table.

Karen enters a store
“M’am, you’re not allowed in unless you wear a mask.

— I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask !

— I’m really sorry you have a medical condition that prevents you from entering this store, then.”

Me: *Raids a Minecraft village killing everyone*
– My Grandpa trying to help me with his eternal love and support: “Try napalm, it’ll change your life, trust me.”

Laziness is the mother of all bad habits

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