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Funny jokes in 2025

What is a group of dogs called?
A pack
What is a group of humans called?
A gathering
What is a group of Karen’s called?
– A complaint

Ino: *planting flowers*
– Naruto: You grow girl!
– Ino: *confused*

Why did Petra freeze when she saw the female Titan?
– Because she was petra-fied.

What falls in winter but never gets hurt
-The snow!

How to Koopas communicate?
– They use a Shell-phone!

Which Pokémon do soccer players like the most?

A friend told me to stop filing taxes and go watch anime with him.
– But this isn’t even my final form.

Ole and Sven walk into a bar and they order some beers. After drinking his, Ole looks into his shirt pocket. They order
another round and Ole looks into his shirt pocket again. This goes on for a few more rounds.
Sven is curious, “Ole, why do you look in your pocket after each beer? “Whatcha got in der?”
Ole confesses, “I have a picture of my Lena in der, and when she starts ta look good, I go home.”

Why couldn’t Toad put a pool table in his house?
– It took up too mush-room.

How do you make a tissue dance?
-You put a little boogie in it.

What is a Pokémon fan’s favorite place to go in France?

Why are soccer players never asked out for dinner?
-Because they’re always dribbling!

Soccer is the only sport that’s not a game of inches.
-It’s a game of feet.

Why can’t test tube babies be truck drivers?
– They aren’t Peterbuilt!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Dozen who?
Dozen anyone in this town play soccer?

Hey, do you wanna be sus together? Cuz you can’t spell sus without us.

What do Minion ghosts eat?

How do you get Pikachu on a bus?
-Poke him on.

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