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Owl jokes 🦉 in 2025

What’s the difference between an owl and an Irish funeral?
– One’s awake in the night, the other’s a wake in the day!

My wife tried to claim she was a night owl.
– She was lying though, because when I tried to turn her head through 270 degrees, her neck snapped.

Why didn’t the barn owl girl invite her classmates for the Harry Potter marathon?
– She wanted to watch it owlone.

Why don’t owls breed in the rain?
– Because it’s too wet to woo.

Knock, knock.
– Who’s there?
– Owls.

What does an owl call its beak?
– Whooo nose.

Why do owl babies take after their dad?
– Like feather, like son.

Why were the two owls bonding in prison?
– They were in ca-hoots.

Why do owl babies take after their dad?
– Like feather, like son.

An owl had a sore throat but wasn’t bothered.
– He couldn’t give a hoot.

Where are owls that commit crimes sent as punishment?
– Owlcatraz.

What do you call an owl that has a really baritone voice?
– A gr-owl.

The wife and I dressed as the iconic Peruvian owls for Halloween.
– We were Inca hoots.

Why did the priest buy an owl?
– Because it’s a bird of prey.

Why did the Owl invite his friends over?
– He didn’t want to be owl by himself.

What did the barn owl tell his friend when they made plans to meet the next weekend?
– Owl see you then!

He does a lot of things,
– he’s a jack of owl trades.

Owls who?
– That’s right! Tawny Owls hooo!

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