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Owl jokes 🦉 in 2025

Why did the cops bring in a large group of Peruvian owls for questioning?
– They were Inca hoots.

What sits in a tree and says “Hoots mon, hoots mon?”
– A Scottish owl.

What did the owl say to his beloved on their anniversary?
– I think you’re very hootiful.

Two barn owls sitting on a perch and one says to the other:
– “Can you smell fish?”

I’ve just thought of a really funny owl joke,
– but I can’t use it until 2/8/20.

What’s an owl’s favourite drink?
– Hoot beer.

Why didn’t the owl try to woo his lover in the marsh?
– He thought it was too wet to woo.

What’s the most common form of owl-on-owl attack?
– Fly by hooting.

What is an owl’s favorite board game?
– Guess Who?

What kind of books do owls read?
– Hoo-dunnits.

What did the mother owl say when she noticed her son fixing the car, just like his father?
– Like feather, like son.

What does a highly educated owl say?
– “Whom”.

What do you get when you cross an owl with an oyster?
– Pearls of wisdom.

Why do owls go to the gym?
– Because they’re stare masters.

What do you call an owl escapologist?
– Hoodini.

What did the public call an owl that was caught red-handed stealing someone’s parking spot?
– Spotted owl.

What does an owl need after having a bath?
– A t-owl.

A man goes to the movies and what looks like an owl comes in and sits next to him.

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