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Owl jokes 🦉 in 2025

Why do owls never go courting in the rain?
– Because it’s too wet to woo!

What’s an owl’s favorite Beatles song?
– “Owl You Need Is Love.”

What’s an owl’s favorite Beatles song?
– “Owl You Need Is Love.”

Why was the owl’s mother upset with him?
– He was consuming too much micecream.

What happened when the baby owl got a sore throat?
– He didn’t give a hoot.

What is the most common Owl in the UK?
– A ‘TeatOwl.’

What do you call a baby owl swimming?
– A moist-owlette.

What do confused owls say?
– Too-whit-to-why?

How did the owl’s wife know he was planning a birthday surprise for her?
– She knew something was fishy when she saw her husband talking to the bass.

Why does the owl turn off it’s phone at night?
– So it doesn’t get any hooty calls.

Two owls were playing pool. One owl said “Two Hits.”
– The other owl said “Two hits to who?”

I was talking to a barn owl last night, when I mentioned that I’d just got engaged.
– He said, “You twit! To who?”

Why did the owl ‘owl?
– Because the Woodpecker would peck ‘er.

What games does the owl family play every weekend with their kids?
– Guess Who?

What do you call it when barn owls fight?
– Clash of the Tytos!

What happens if an owl doesn’t wash?
– It smells fowl.

What’s the difference between a sniper with Parkinson’s Disease and a constipated owl?
– One can shoot but can’t hit…

Why was the owl rapper with a sore throat not concerned with performing at his upcoming show?
– He couldn’t give a hoot.

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