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Overwatch jokes in 2025

Why did Baptiste join the soccer team? He likes “amplifying” the game!

Why did Reaper refuse to go to the beach? He didn’t want to “reap” the sunburn!

Why doesn’t Junkrat like house cleaning? Because he’s a “junk” rat!

What do you call Orisa at a disco? The party “centaur”!

Why can’t Winston play poker? He always goes “ape” with his bets!

How does Reinhardt order his steak? “Hammered” down!

Why doesn’t Lucio ever get locked out? He always “amps it up”!

Why is Hanzo always lost? Because he never hits his mark!

Why is Mercy a bad stand-up comedian? Because her audience keeps “dying” of laughter!

Why did Pharah get a job as a meteorologist? She’s always got her eyes on the sky!

What do you call a Zenyatta in a race? The “omnic” runner!

Why did Baptiste quit his job as a doctor? He missed his old “immortality field”!

Why did Tracer never make the track team? She always “blinks” past the finish line!

What does Winston do when he’s scared? He goes bananas!

How does Orisa stop traffic? She puts up her “protective barrier”!

Why does Symmetra never play chess? She thinks it’s too “chaotic”!

Why is Reinhardt always welcome at parties? He “charges” the atmosphere!

Why did Echo get a job at the airport? She’s an expert in flight!

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