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Overwatch jokes in 2025

Why did Brigitte open a pet shop? She loves “rallying” animals!

How does Lucio break the ice at parties? With his sound barrier!

Why is Pharah always safe from falls? She’s got a jet pack!

What does Zenyatta do in his free time? He finds his “inner peace”!

Why did Ana open a daycare? She’s an expert at putting kids to sleep!

Why did Doomfist get kicked out of the pottery class? His fist is too destructive!

Why can’t D.Va watch horror movies? She gets too “mech-a” scared!

How does Widowmaker keep her figure? She “grapples” with exercise!

Why does Mei hate summer? It’s too “hot” for her ice wall!

How does Echo get ready for a date? She “duplicates” the best look!

How does Ball (Wrecking Ball) get to work? He simply rolls!

Why does Mercy make a terrible poker player? She always revives her hand!

Why did D.Va join the chess club? She likes “taking out the trash”!

Why can’t Sigma find his shoes? Because he’s always barefoot!

Why did Baptiste join the soccer team? He likes “amplifying” the game!

Why did Reaper refuse to go to the beach? He didn’t want to “reap” the sunburn!

Why doesn’t Junkrat like house cleaning? Because he’s a “junk” rat!

What do you call Orisa at a disco? The party “centaur”!

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