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Orange Jokes 🍊 in 2025

Why couldn’t the blind man find his orange?
– Because it wasn’t tangy-ble.

I had a dream I was floating in a sea of Orange bliss.
– Too bad it was only a fanta sea.

I always thought that Steve Jobs would make a better president than Donald Trump
but then I realized that I’m comparing apples to oranges

How do you know the orange was bullied?
– Because it was beaten to a pulp.

What did the orange say before jumping into the juicer?
– The zest is yet to come!

What did the orange say on meeting his long lost brother?
– Orange you glad to see me?!

The next person that asks me for a pineapple juice
– a cranberry juice and some lemonade with a slice of orange all in the same glass is gonna get a punch..

What’s Orange and Lies Constantly?
A rotting clementine, but I like where your head’s at.

Why did the orange’s song receive a negative review?
– Because the song wasn’t orange-inal.

What did the doctor prescribe to the orange who couldn’t keep his emotions in check?
– Tangor Management.

The orange asked the melon: “Hey, want to get married?”
– The melon said: “Sorry, I canteloupe”

I called my dad from the shop saying I’d forgotten what orange juice he asked for.
“Concentrate” he said, but I still couldn’t remember!

What do you call a punctual orange who is always on time everywhere?
– A clockwork orange.

Why couldn’t the orange dance at the talent show when his partner didn’t show up?
– Because it takes two to tang-o.

What do Barack Obama and Donald Trump have in common?
– Both are former presidents of the USA and both are harassed for the color of their skin.

I dreamed about drowning in an ocean made out of orange soda last night.
It took me a while to work out it was just a Fanta sea.

Why did the orange get dressed to go to the gala party?
– Because it found it a-peel-ing.

Why did the orange say no when her parents came to her with a marriage proposal?
– Because she was against orange-d marriages.

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