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Orange Jokes 🍊 in 2025

What’s Orange and Lies Constantly?
A rotting clementine, but I like where your head’s at.

Why did the orange’s song receive a negative review?
– Because the song wasn’t orange-inal.

What did the doctor prescribe to the orange who couldn’t keep his emotions in check?
– Tangor Management.

The orange asked the melon: “Hey, want to get married?”
– The melon said: “Sorry, I canteloupe”

I called my dad from the shop saying I’d forgotten what orange juice he asked for.
“Concentrate” he said, but I still couldn’t remember!

What do you call a punctual orange who is always on time everywhere?
– A clockwork orange.

Why couldn’t the orange dance at the talent show when his partner didn’t show up?
– Because it takes two to tang-o.

What do Barack Obama and Donald Trump have in common?
– Both are former presidents of the USA and both are harassed for the color of their skin.

I dreamed about drowning in an ocean made out of orange soda last night.
It took me a while to work out it was just a Fanta sea.

Why did the orange get dressed to go to the gala party?
– Because it found it a-peel-ing.

Why did the orange say no when her parents came to her with a marriage proposal?
– Because she was against orange-d marriages.

I couldn’t believe it either- it’s un-peel-ievable!

I always thought that Steve Jobs would make a better president than Donald Trump
– but then I realized that I’m comparing apples to oranges

What do Barack Obama and Donald Trump have in common?
Both are former presidents of the USA and both are harassed for the color of their skin.

Why couldn’t the orange believe that her friend had let her down?
– This was because citrus-ted him!

What happened when Orange, Apple, and Banana went on a picnic?
– They had a fruit-ful day.

I told a bedtime story to an orange once.
– I call that pulp fiction.

What does orange juice and my dad have in common?
They both slap harder when mixed with alcohol.

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