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Ole and Lena jokes in 2025

Ole goes into the Social Security Office and fills out an application. Too old to have a birth certificate, he is asked to prove
he is old enough. He opens his shirt and shows them the gray hair on his chest and they accept that as proof.
Ole then goes home to his wife, shows her the check, and explains to her what has happened.
Lena replies, “Well get back down there, pull down your pants, and see if you can get disability!”

Ole was excited when he completed a jigsaw puzzle in six months. Sven told him, “Ya know Ole, dat doesn’t sound so good.”
Ole replied, “Vell Sven, da box says right here, “two-to-four years.”

Sven asks “How do you know?”
Ole replies, “Dat’s my handwriting!”

So, Ole leaves Duluth to get a job as a chauffer driving a huge limosine in New York City. The Pope arrives at the airport and
Ole picks him up. The Pope wants to do the driving. Ole says that’s against company rules, but eventually gives in. The Pope
is a terrible driver, he goes up on the sidewalk, he doesn’t stop to pay the parking lot toll, it isn’t three minutes before a
policeman pulls him over. The policeman sees right away that he has a problem on how to hand out the ticket, so he calls
his supervisor down at the station & says “I need help in how to give a ticket to someone here who’s really important.” “Is it
the Mayor?” “No, more important than the Mayor?” “Is it the Senator?” “No, more important than the Senator.” “Well,
then who is it?” Policeman says “I’m not sure. I don’t recognize him, but he’s got the Pope driving for him.”

Ole walks into a shoe store and tries on a new pair of shoes.
“How do they feel?” asks the salesclerk.
“Well, they feel a bit tight,” replies Ole.
The assistant promptly bends down and has a look at the shoes and Ole’s feet.
“Try pulling the tongue out,” offers the clerk.
“Nath, theyth sthill feelth a bith tighth,” Ole replies.

Lars asks Ole, “Are you visiting us tomorrow? Do you need directions?”
“I’m all set”, replies Ole. I have da address, a GPS, and a GPS override.
“What da heck is a GPS override.” Asks Sven.
Ole says, “Dat woud be Lena.”

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