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Ole and Lena jokes in 2025

The Swedes and the Norwegians had a football game, starting at 10 a.m. For two hours they played a scoreless game.
When the lunch bell rang at high noon, the Norwegians walked off the field to go home for lunch.
Three plays later, the Swedes scored

Ole and Lena have six children. As a joke, Ole began to call his Lena “mother of six” rather than by her first name.
Lena is amused at first. But a few years down the road, she grows tired of it. “Mother of six,” Ole would say, “what’s for
dinner tonight? Get me a beer!” Lena gets very frustrated.
Finally, while attending a party with her, Ole jokingly yells out, “Mother of six, I think it’s time to go!”
Lena immediately shouts back, “I’ll be right with you, father of four!”

Ole and Lena are sitting on their porch and Ole is enjoying a beer. Ole says, “I love you.”
Lena turns to Ole and says, “Ole is dat you talking or da beer talking?”
Ole says, “Dat’s me talking to da beer!”

Sven and Ole were busy shingling a roof when Sven noticed that Ole was throwing away about half of the nails.
Sven asked, “vy are ya trowing avay all dose nails”?
“Vell, dey got da heads on da wrong ends!”, replied Ole.
“Ole, you sure are stupid. Dose nails are for da udder side of da roof!”

Ole gives Lena a new cell phone for Christmas. The next day she’s at Wal-Mart and the phone rings. Ole is on the phone and
asks her how she likes her new cell phone.
Lena replies, “Great Ole but howda know I was at da Wal-Mart?

During a bank robbery, the thief’s mask slipped off. He fixed it and asked a hostage.
“Did you see my face?” The hostage had, so the thief shot him. He asked the next hostage, same result.
The thief scowls at Ole and asks him if he saw his face.
“No, but I tink my wife got a good look at you.”

Little Ole asks his father, “Dad, are bugs good to eat?”
Ole replies, “That’s disgusting son. Don’t talk about things like that over dinner!”
After dinner Ole asks, “Now, son, what did you vant to ask me?”
“Oh, nothing,” little Ole says. “There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone.”

Lars: “Ole, stand in fronna my car and tell me if da turn signals are vorking”.
Ole: “Ya, No, Ya, No, Ya, No, Ya, No….”

A Norwegian appeared with five other men in a police line-up. As the victim entered the room, the Norwegian blurted,
“Yep, dat’s her!”

One day Ole came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in sexy lingerie.
“Ole, you can tie me up and do anything you want!”, Lena declared.
So Ole tied her up and went golfing

On Lena’s birthday, Ole decided to wash clothes for once to make her happy. Soon after entering the laundry room, he
yelled, “Lena, what setting do I use on da vashing machine?”
“It depends,” Lena replied. “What does it say on one of your shirts?”
“University of Oslo.” shouted Ole.

Ole goes to the library to get a book. A few days later, he comes back and says to librarian at the counter, “Dis book was
very boring. It had too many characters and too many numbers, so I would like to return it.”
The librarian says to her coworkers, “Hey I found the person who took our phone book!”

One particular Sunday Ole was lying back in the hammock and, having just returned from church with Lena, he was feeling a
little religious.
“God,” said Ole, “Ven you made Lena, vy did you make her so nice and round and so pleasant ta hold?”
Suddenly a voice from above said, “So you would love her, Ole.”
“Vell then vy, oh vy,” asked Ole, “vy Lord did you make her so stupid?”
“So she would love YOU,” said the voice

Ole and Sven are standing on a bridge fishing in the river below. Suddenly Sven sees in the distance a funeral procession
coming. Sven reels in turns, toward the road, places his fish pole over his shoulder and stands at attention until it passes by
Ole says “Vy Sven dat vas such a respectful ting to do. I am really proud of you for doing it.”
Sven says “Sure Ole, but do ya know I vas married to dat voman for tirty-five years”.

One day Ole came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in sexy lingerie.
“Ole, you can tie me up and do anything you want!”, Lena declared.
So Ole tied her up and went golfing.

During a bank robbery, the thief’s mask slipped off. He fixed it and asked a hostage.
“Did you see my face?” The hostage had, so the thief shot him. He asked the next hostage, same result.
The thief scowls at Ole and asks him if he saw his face.
“No, but I tink my wife got a good look at you.”

Ole and Sven die and wake up in hell. The next day the devil stops in to check on them and sees them dressed in parkas,
mittens and bomber hats warming themselves around a fire. The devil asks them “What are you doing? Isn’t it hot enough
for you?
Ole and Sven reply, “Vell ya know, ve’re from Nordern Minnesoda, the land of ice and snow and cold. Ve’re yust happy for
da chance ta varm up a bit, don ‘t ya know.”
The devil decides that these two aren’t miserable enough and turns up the heat. The next morning, he stops by again and
there they are, still dressed in parkas, hats and mittens. The devil asks them again, “It’s awfully hot down here, can’t you
two feel that?”
Again Ole and Sven reply, “Vell, like ve told you yesterday, ve’re from Nordern Minnesoda, the land of ice and snow and
cold. Ve’re yust happy for da chance ta warm up a bit ya know.”
This gets the devil a bit steamed and he decides to show these two just who is in charge down here. He cranks up the heat
as high as it can go. The rest of the people are screaming and miserable. He stops by to see if his two Minnesota tenants are
the same, and is astonished to find them in light jackets and baseball caps, grilling walleye and drinking beer. The devil says
“Everyone down here is in absolute misery, and you two seem to be enjoying yourselves! Why?”
Ole and Sven reply, “Vell, ya know ve don’t get too many varm days up dere in International Falls, ve just got to have a fish
fry vhen da vedder is dis nice.”

Ole is so cheap that after his airplane landed safely, he grumbled: “Vell, der gose five dollars down da drain for dat flight

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